Dotz Cafe 圓。子咖啡館

I was dropping off my handmade stuff at Dotz Cafe yesterday, then can’t resist myself to have a piece of tiramisu. The tiramisu is come with a drawing on the plate and made me want to bring the whole plate home. Now you can purchase my handmade at Dotz Cafe and at the same time have a meal or a piece a cake there. I like the place very much, it is very relaxing. You can read books, online or have a cup of coffee.  If you have chance, I recommend you to have a piece of cake and enjoying the environment there. (^_^)

昨天,把我的手作放到圓。子咖啡館寄卖,忍不住叫了一份Tiramisu。 Tiramisu到了,盘里还有一幅漂亮的图画,让我好想把碟子都带回家去。如果有兴趣购买我的手作的朋友们欢迎到圓。子咖啡館参观记得顺便叫一份蛋糕来吃,一定不会让你失望。 很喜欢那边的环境,很休闲,你可以在那边看书,上网,和咖啡。那边也有一些餐点,但是不多。

Dotz Cafe 圓。子咖啡館
Lot 16-1, 16-2 No 8, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla BE 31/BE,, 40460 Shah Alam, Malaysia

Office Hour

Mon: 11:00 am 11:00 pm
Wed – Thu: 11:00 am 11:00 pm
Fri: 11:00 am 1:00 am
Sat: 11:00 am 11:00 pm
Sun: 2:00 pm 11:00 pm


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