Make Lovely Sandwich using 6 in 1 Heart Mould

Below article is translated from kaeranmama  article showing how to make lovely sandwich using 6 in 1 heart mould.  Pictures are also taking from kaeranmama  website. I have modify some information from the article to make you more understand.  Hope you will like it. 

First we need to prepare the following ingredients: bread, ham, hotdog, cheese, apricot jam and strawberry jam, and of course the heart moulds.

There are 6 heart moulds in the set, but we are going to use only 3 moulds here. Start from the smallest size of mould I mark it as mould 1, and the largest size of mould as mould 6.  Here we going to use, mould 1,3 and 5.

1.First, we use the mould 5 to cut the bread. We need 2 slice of this size of “heart” bread

2.Now, use mould 3 to cut one of the “heart” bread we have previous cut,like the picture below

3.And then follow by cutting using the smallest mould which is mould 1, like the picture show below

4.  Now, apply jam on the bread we have cut on step 1.

5.Put the bread that you cut at step 2 on top of the bread that you have apply jam. Like the picture below

Lastly, put the smallest pieces of bread at the middle of the jam and we are done.

Since we have left over a middle heart ring, so we are going to make another design of heart bread.

We just have to cut another piece of bread and ham using mould 5. and put accordingly like the picture below. Cut the both end of hotdog diagonally so that when you combine 2 hotdog together it will looks like heart.

Put all accordingly, you will have something like the picture below

You can change ham to cheese, and strawberry jam to apricot jam and have a different design of your bread.

The 6 in 1 heart shape mould can get it here

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  1. Hi, may I know where you bought those heart shape mould and how much does it cost? Thanks!

  2. hi…may i know will you restock this??? if yes i wanna order..10q

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