Making Simple Snail for your bento


Hi dear,

I have been busy with other things recently and have neglect of this blog,  sorry about that, here I have post something interesting for you all, which is making simple snail for your bento.  This tutorial I translated from Japanese website, so that all of you can understand.  I hope you all will enjoy reading this.

First we have to prepare the ingredients & tools below

1 red wiener, 1 skinless wiener, slice of cheese, pasta, seaweed
for tools, we need scissors, seaweed puncher and tweezer.

From the ingredients above, we can see that in Malaysia, it is kind of hard to find a red wiener, in this case we just use the normal wiener and  the outcome is we do not have 2 colours like what we see in the picture, but I believe it will still looks nice without the red wiener.  For the seaweed puncher, if we do not have the 2 showing in the picture below, we can use scissors and cut it by ourself.

1. Cut off both round end of the red wiener
2. Put a chopstick between the wiener, and start cutting like the picture show below画像
3. Your wiener will become like the picture below
4. now, we want to have the red wiener stick to the skinless wiener, so we use pasta to make both hold together.
5. Use the round end red wiener we have cut off at the beginning and use pasta to hold it at the middle of the red wiener ring.

6. apply some mayonnaise on the seaweed, so that it can stick on the wiener.



7. Now we want to make the snail eyes, so we stick 2 pasta stick in front.

8.Paste the finished pasta with cheese and stick the seaweed on the cheese.

If you have success making the snail, remember to share it on our facebook.
Thank you and Happy Chinese New Year!!

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One comment

  1. Where to get red wieners in KL?? Which brand did you buy?
    I have been searching hi and low for them!

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