Simple mould + Mickey Egg Mould

This is the mould I like it very much, it is simple but cute and easy to use, great for bread/toast/cookies/cheese/ham etc. Below is the demonstration on how to use the mould.

To purchase this mould please click here

Below is the egg that have shaped using mickey egg mould, the picture is not very clear, I have try a few time,but the picture outcome is still blurr, the outcome of the egg is quite cute but the egg I am using is not big enough, therefore the mickey ear is too small and make the mickey does not looks like mickey.

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  1. Are you selling the Hello Kitty chopping board? Please send me an email, thank you:D

  2. Are you selling the Hello Kitty Chopping board? Please notify me by email, thank you:D

  3. Hi, I have reply to your email, please check. Have a nice day.

  4. Hi, i would like to purchase flower, rabbit and bear mould. How much is it and how long do i have to wait for delivery?

  5. Hi Jesselyn,

    I am sorry flower, rabbit and bear mould has sold out.

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